Misc Discussion - juan


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mattHear lies a thorough discussion of the epic short movie - Juan, el soñador.  Feel free to comment, just do not spam...
Aaronwhoa that was pretty cool guys, although Kirt scored a goal on himself
IsaacThe two Kirts are meant to evoke the struggle between the conscious and the unconscious; specifically, between the id and the ego.  By delving into his own unconscious, Juan is taken over by the id portion of his psyche.  In one's dreams, one wishes to accomplish mighty feats (in this case, the scoring of a crucial goal), therefore the athlete is unhindered by the factors that would make the play so much more challenging "in real life."
IsaacThe id rejects any possibility of failure---he is Juan, the "man of many heroic qualities," to whom winning the Olympics single-handedly (or footedly!) is a certainty.  He must, however, temporarily overcome his ego, the mediator between his wildest desires and his daily existence in reality.  The ego, herein represented by the goalie, attempts to rein in the exuberance and childishness of the id, the inherent dreamer.  
IsaacTheir struggle is intense yet brief---the adrenaline rush of Juan's inner animal giving the advantage to the id.  In firm control of his fantasy, Juan/the id/the dreamer just manages to evade the "block" of his mediator, the ego.  Thus, the fantasy can climax, and continue, until the interjection of a more powerful agent of reality---the professor!
mattGreat explanation, Isaac.
RomaSpam, spam, spam.
IsaacLovely spam.  Wonderful spam.
IsaacLovely movie, wonderful movie, too!  I feared that this board had stalled out, but it may be derailed, too.  Give us more feedback!
mattIf you found your way here through the internets and haven't actually seen the movie, please do, at http://matt.meinwald.info/juan/

Trailer is at http://youtube.com/watch?v=uSQE3_O0cdI
richardMuy bien! DONDE ESTAN MIS VACAS!?!?!


twas comico.


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